Zero-Waste Blog

Everything you need to kick start your sustainability journey!

High-Fibre Foods: Why You Should Be Getting More Dietary Fibre

High-Fibre Foods: Why You Should Be Getting More Dietary Fibre

Fibre is often the underestimated macronutrient of our daily diet yet plays an essential role in maintaining our overall health. In fact, the benefits of fibre are vast and meeting your daily goal can have a transformative impact on your health. Whether you're looking to support your digestive health, boost your energy, or reduce the risk of certain diseases, increasing your fibre intake is a positive step towards a healthier, happier you.
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Green Goodbyes, where sustainability is the new Black

Green Goodbyes, where sustainability is the new Black

With a flourishing greener consciousness, it's no surprise that even the most profound moments of our lives are being discussed with sustainability in mind. As I read more, it turns out that there is a growing movement that's dedicated to re-frame the way we perceive death and the funeral industry itself, aiming for a more compassionate, transparent, and eco-friendly approach to end of life. 
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A Skin Nutritionist’s top 4 Picks for Glowing Skin

A Skin Nutritionist’s top 4 Picks for Glowing Skin

Generally, when people want to improve their skin health, they turn to topical skin treatments and procedures. Skin conditions are an aesthetic complaint, however what drives them lies beneath the skin’s surface and more often than not, starts from within. With this in mind, The Source Bulk Foods gives Nutritionist Steph Baker free reign to pick her top four skin-friendly products from our range.
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November Sustainability Spotlight

November Sustainability Spotlight

An interesting month on the eco-front with another supermarket making positive steps towards offering refillables. Also scientists are making progress in discovering enzymes that will eat plastic clothing potentially meaning there is a solution to the fast-fashion waste issue. Finally, Sport England is trying to make addressing the environment a condition of future funding.
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Navigating Perimenopause: Foods to Boost Your Mood and Memory

Navigating Perimenopause: Foods to Boost Your Mood and Memory

A wonderful time of life when mood swings are as common as afternoon coffee breaks, and your memory decides to play hide-and-seek at the most inconvenient moments. Yes, we're talking about perimenopause, that transitional phase that signals the approach of menopause. If you're in your 40s and wondering whether you're experiencing it, you're not alone.

In a recent study in 2019 by Health & Her, memory loss, joint aches, mood swings and poor sleep are some of the most common symptoms reported by people in their 40s. Surprisingly, the symptoms we often associate with perimenopause, like hot flushes and night sweats, were less commonly reported. This underscores the need for education about perimenopause, as many people may be going through it without realizing it.

So, what can you do to sail through this phase? The answer might just be in your kitchen, and at The Source Bulk Foods, we've got some fantastic healthy options for you.

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Beyond the Pour: The Sustainability Struggle of Hard-to-Recycle Milk Cartons and the alternatives out there

Beyond the Pour: The Sustainability Struggle of Hard-to-Recycle Milk Cartons and the alternatives out there

Milk cartons and Tetra Pak-style liquid containers are now a staple in households across the UK and the EU. But what happens once you have had your cereal, smoothie, or latte?

My guess is you pop it into the recycling and think nothing more of it. Unfortunately, the real-story is not so straight-forward.

Not only are these containers made of more than paper card, but they are often not readily recyclable due to their multi-layered composition. These cartons usually contain cardboard, plastic, and aluminum, making recycling a challenge. Some experts argue that using plastic bottles might actually be a more environmentally friendly option. However, progress is being made in carton recycling, with more collection points and sustainable carton options available. By being aware and making conscious choices, we can contribute to a more sustainable future for these convenient containers.

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The Ultimate Guide to Sustainable Living: Podcasts, Apps, and Eco-Friendly Choices

The Ultimate Guide to Sustainable Living: Podcasts, Apps, and Eco-Friendly Choices

In today's fast-paced world, embracing sustainability is crucial. This guide explores ways to lead a more sustainable lifestyle, covering food waste reduction, inspiring podcasts, waste-reducing apps, clothing rental, second-hand shopping, and supporting charity shops. It emphasizes the importance of small actions in building a greener future.
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October Sustainability Spotlight

October Sustainability Spotlight

Innovations in sustainability are making waves in various sectors. The University of Newcastle is pioneering mycocrete, a construction material crafted from mycelium, mushroom roots, providing a green alternative to traditional concrete. Denmark's launch of the Laura Maersk, the world's first green container ship powered by eco-friendly methanol, signifies a critical step in reducing shipping emissions. Meanwhile, the UK is experiencing a surge in renewable technology installations like heat pumps and solar panels, driven by rising energy costs and environmental concerns. These developments underscore a growing commitment to sustainability, offering hope for a greener future across construction, shipping, and energy sectors.
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Championing Plastic-Free Initiatives in Schools: Students, Parents, and Educators Unite

Championing Plastic-Free Initiatives in Schools: Students, Parents, and Educators Unite

As the global movement against plastic pollution gains momentum, UK and Ireland schools are stepping up to reduce plastic consumption and inspire sustainable practices. From innovative lunchbox solutions to rallying the school community for Plastic Free July, here's how students, parents, and educators can collaborate for a greener future.
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Bio-Plastics & Compostable Claims: Green Innovation or Just Another Eco-Hype?

Bio-Plastics & Compostable Claims: Green Innovation or Just Another Eco-Hype?

Discover the universe of eco-packaging with us. We'll shed light on bio plastics, untangle label complexities, explain the difference between home and industrial composting, and offer practical waste management solutions. Join our journey toward a greener, more sustainable lifestyle, where making eco-conscious choices becomes second nature and enjoyable in your daily routine.
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September Sustainability Spotlight

September Sustainability Spotlight

France initiates an eco-friendly project, offering financial support for clothing repair to combat waste and promote responsible consumption. This aligns with global sustainability efforts. The EU introduces a law requiring smartphone manufacturers to create devices with easily replaceable batteries, aiming to reduce electronic waste and foster sustainability. This resonates with worldwide attempts to combat e-waste. Meanwhile, Killarney in Ireland makes history as the first town to ban single-use coffee cups, encouraging reusable alternatives and demonstrating a commitment to reducing plastic waste. These initiatives mark significant steps toward a more environmentally responsible and sustainable future.
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Choosing Organic for a Healthier Planet

Choosing Organic for a Healthier Planet

September is all about celebrating the awesome organic foods we offer and the fantastic benefits they bring to your health and the planet. 🌱 In today's world, finding the right balance between going organic and keeping that food budget in check can be a bit of a puzzle.
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