Our Top 3 Charities cleaning our Oceans

At The Source Bulk Foods we believe that by making small changes to our daily habits we can reduce the negative impact that our lifestyles have on the planet. We provide a shopping experience that allows customers to cut down the amount of single use plastic they consume by offering foods without any packaging. In the five years since we opened our doors, our eight stores across the United Kingdom and Ireland have contributed significantly to reducing plastic consumption in our communities, a fact that we are incredibly proud of.

This Plastic Free July we want to use our platform to highlight the great work of charities that are working to clean up the damage already done.  Here at The Source Bulk Foods, we share these three Ocean Clean up Charities vision for a cleaner, healthier planet. We will be donating to one of these charities at the end of July and will publish how much we have donated at the beginning of August, check back here then to find out! Not familiar with these charities? Read more below for the fantastic work these charities are performing in oceans and rivers globally.

Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) is a remarkable charity organization that has been making waves in the world of environmental conservation. Founded in the United Kingdom in 1990, SAS has consistently fought to protect and preserve our precious coastlines from pollution, specifically targeting the issue of sewage contamination. With their unique blend of passion, activism, and community engagement, SAS has become a driving force in raising awareness and effecting positive change for our oceans.

Image from Surfers Against Sewage - https://www.instagram.com/surfersagainstsewage/ 

Plastic Oceans is a leading charity organization dedicated to tackling one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time: plastic pollution in our oceans. With a focus on raising awareness, driving change, and promoting sustainable solutions, Plastic Oceans has become a powerful force in the fight against plastic waste and its detrimental impact on marine ecosystems.

Image from Plastic Oceans - https://www.instagram.com/plasticoceans/

The Ocean Cleanup This charity is a non-profit organisation committed to developing advanced technologies to rid the world's oceans of plastic debris. Founded in 2013 by Boyan Slat, the organisation has since gained international recognition for its innovative approach to solving the ocean plastic crisis. Their cutting-edge solutions aim to clean up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a massive accumulation of floating plastic waste and to put itself out of business, with the goal of removing 90% of floating ocean plastic by 2040.

Image by The Ocean Clean Up - https://theoceancleanup.com/

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