SKU: 600767

Tea Hibiscus

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Whole dried hibiscus flower petals make a lovely refreshing tea.

Hibiscus tea is made from the flowers and leaves of the hibiscus plant. These parts of the plant have also traditionally been used for medicinal purposes for hundreds of years. The flowers are large and ruby red in colour and they bloom in the morning and wilt in the afternoon. The hibiscus plant is native to subtropical and tropical regions throughout the world.




No Known Allergens.

All our products may contain traces of allergens due to cross contamination.

Country of Origin

Mixed Origin

How to Use

To make the tea at home, simply steep 1.5 teaspoons of dried hibiscus flower in 150ml of boiling water, for five to 10 minutes. You should drink no more than two or three cups of hibiscus tea each day. You can choose to drink it hot, for a warming treat or ice cold, for a refreshing beverage when it is warm outside.

Storage and Shelf Life

Store in an airtight container in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.

Up to 2 months when stored as above.